

Competitory ethics: Circumventing the "Is ought problem"

Highly Highly Speculative, probably also wrong but still very very interesting A famous problem of Philosophy is the “is-ought problem.” It is Hume’s famous statement that you cannot derive moral value from facts alone. If we in the strict form, assume that we cannot derive moral statements from factual statements alone in any form then morality needs to be a seperate magisterium from factual statements like religion. Let’s assume that this is true, that still leaves other questions that can be answered based on facts, and that is goal-directed behavior.

Is Choosing Humans Over Human Level AGIs Always Ethical?

What if you could have AGIs that experience qualia of their own? It would be difficult to prove that they do but if you believe in mind uploads even as a theoretical possibility it is not a far stretch to say an artificial mind could experience qualia too if an uploaded human mind can. What if furthermore AGI minds that experience qualia are more efficient than human minds? For the sake of the argument let’s say you can run two AGI minds for the energy needs of simulating one uploaded human brain.

Chemical Femininity Estrogenic and Anti-Androgenic Compounds

This is not medical advice. No warranty is given about the correctness of this. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here. Estrogenic substances Resveratrol and Peterostilbene “Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators Resveratrol, Genistein, Tamoxifen and Pterostilbene down-regulate the Expression of Estrogen-Regulated Trefoil Factor 1 (TFF1) Gene in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells” https://www.

A posteriori formulation of normative evolutionary ethics to facilitate the creation of SuperAI (thought experiment)

Please keep in mind I am just playing devil’s advocate here and that the gruesome conclusions are not my actual ethical system. This is just a thought experiment that I think is interesting, so I share it. Preface: There is no objective a priori moral right or wrong. One idea in post-modernist thought is moral relativism or the conclusion: that there is no objective moral right or wrong. What is right or wrong depends on the ethical system you apply.